waste time and substance in such excursions; but if they are undertaken with honesty and sincerity and with a reason behind them they will not be shameful.

Turning to the last of the erring ASPECTS, the Administrator of ALL THINGS said, "finally, oh my child of the scourged back, who until now, has been called GUILT, I hereby renounce and cancel your contract with the EVIL SPIRIT known as Masochism. Since this contract was signed by GUILT, it is only enforceable against GUILT, and GUILT is dead as from now and you are free. From this day forward you shall be called SELF-EVALUATION. Your job in life is to use the same talents you had previously to weigh one thing against the other, to evaluate thoughts and activ- ities, desires and ideas, for their potential value and usefulness on the one hand against their dangerous and destructive possibil- ities on the other. If you do your job with the help of the cardinal principle of PERSPECTIVE you will not allow circumstances to come to pass, activities to be undertaken or desires to be express- ed that are dishonest, insincere, damaging to others or extreme in any way. Thus there will be no need for GUILT and its name shall remain banished from the ASPECTS of LIFE forever. More- over, with no guilt there is no need for self punishment and no opportunity for the false pleasure and false virtue of 'Pleasure in Pain' to arise again. This will put the EVIL SPIRIT known as Masochism on the list of permanently unemployed SPIRITS. And is not the swelling of the ranks of such unemployable EVIL SPIR- ITS one of the main goals of all of the ASPECTS of LIFE?"

"So go now my children," the Administrator of ALL THINGS said, "bear your new names proudly and make your valued and helpful contribution to the work of the other ASPECTS of LIFE. Remember to use PERSPECTIVE AND "MODERATION IN ALL THINGS", as Confuscious said, and never again shall you be known as, nor think of yourselves as FEAR, SHAME OR GUILT."

The Administrator of ALL THINGS touched each of the ASPECTS lightly as he gave them their new names. As he lifted his hand from
